Micro-Bursts of Happiness

When it comes to our long-term happiness, is it the big things or little things that impact our mood? Scientists have actually tested this...

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50+ Podcasts & The Top 3 Episodes

I've recorded over 50+ podcast episodes as a guest, sharing my nutrition coaching ‘secrets’ as freely as possible. My top 3 favorite...

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The Japanese Word for Lonely Mouth

Did you know that the Japanese have a special word for eating for non-hunger reasons that translates to “lonely mouth”? That word...

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People Buy Coaching for 1 of 3 Reasons

As a coach, you can skyrocket your sales if you understand the three driving factors that cause people to buy from you. The pain points that ...

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15 Health Tips That Are Evidence-Based

When it comes to discerning what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, even knowledgable professionals frequently disagree. Yet despite all the...

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How to Quit Binge Eating (Reddit)

Binge eating is a serious problem for many people. Here's how the idea of shaving your head can help you quit binge eating according to a Reddit...

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Care Bears & Unlearning Nutrition

Earlier this year, I filmed a Get Enlifted podcast wearing a full-on Care Bear outfit. It was awesome, and explains why I sign off all of my emails...

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10 Hooks You Need to Stop the Scroll

If you’re looking to get more clients, creating captivating content is king. But how do you stand out in a noisy and overcrowded feed? Try these...

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Weight Loss Coaching: 3Q Framework

What if you confidently knew you could deliver a 10, 25, or even 100 pound weight loss transformation? Learn the 3Q framework used by...

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How to Help 'Problem' Clients Get Results

‘Problem’ clients. What do you do with the people who hire you, and then complain that they’re not getting results? You may be...

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