Jennifer Broxterman, RD
Registered Dietitian & Founder

A Bit More About Me:
● Award-winning University professor
● Keynote public speaker & nutrition YouTuber
● Owner of NutritionRx, a thriving nutrition coaching business with a team of Dietitians
● Writer and subject matter expert for Precision Nutrition
● 16 year CrossFit affiliate co-owner
● Call me Jen or Jennifer (I go by both)... and my really good friends call me Brox!
PRO$PER Nutrition Coaching
Welcome, Kind Nerds!
I've created a world-class nutrition certification, mini courses, and free trainings for nutrition and fitness coaches, so you can get more clients, make more money, and help more people by sharing your passion for nutrition coaching with the world.
Even if you're just into healthy eating for yourself (and not a nutrition coach... yet),
Hi, I see you! 👋
...come hang with us, you're 100% welcome here!

Are You A Kind Nerd?
I love learning and have so much fun working with A+ people who are life-long learners too.
That's why I call this PRO$PER community my tribe of KIND NERDS! ♡
Most of the people who find their way here already have some education and experience under their belt, but they're looking for that next piece of the puzzle to grow as a nutrition coach.
So here it goes.
I'll share my credentials and some career highlights. Background checks are always a good idea.
Fancy degrees aside, I see my value in all the reps and results I've been able to help my clients achieve.
The Best Part is Down Below
The video "What Saved My Life" and the Care Bear picture will tell you everything you need to know and if we're a good fit to work together.
xo Jen

Education & Training
• Honours Bachelor of Science (BScH, Life Sciences with Business Minor) – Queen’s University, Canada
• Honours Bachelor of Science (BScH, Foods & Nutrition) – Western University, Canada
• Masters of Science (MSc, Foods & Nutrition) – Western University, Canada
• Registered Dietitian Internship (1800+ hours of training) to become a licensed RD – London Health Sciences Centre, Canada
• Precision Nutrition – Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach
• Enlifted – Level 1 & Level 2 Mindset Coach
• Motivational Interviewing – Level 1, Level 2, & Level 3 Certified Practitioner
• Tony Robbins – Business Mastery
• Additional certifications and trainings in eating disorders, gut health, menopause, sports nutrition, and emotional eating
• Way too many books, journal articles, podcasts, textbooks, and conferences attended to count :)
I'm Supposed To Be Dead
(Watch The Video)
One week after my 34th birthday, I was told I had less than an 8% chance of surviving past five years.
I looked the doctor in the eye and said something that changed everything.
Watch the video for the full story behind PRO$PER. ✨
Get To Know Me Better...
At Your Own Pace
When you work with a coach, you want to know not only what you're buying, but who you're buying it from.
At heart, I'm a Kind Nerd. A geeky and athletic girl who loves to learn, reads a ton of books, and has been described as a real life Care Bear – one of my all-time favorite compliments!
Here are some ways to secretly stalk me:
• AUDIO: all podcast appearances
• VIDEO: my YouTube channel
• SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram
• WRITING: blog posts
• FREEBIES: swipe anything you like here, and I highly suggest our Liftoff Nutrition Masterclass (it's 100% free!)
Thanks for being here!